SCOTUS striking down NY gun law
(too old to reply)
2022-12-27 04:57:34 UTC
SCOTUS struck down the NY gun law that said people needed a
special reason
to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. This is just common
sense. Would
anyone think it would be acceptable for a state law requiring a
special reason to
exercise free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press,
or any other of
our basic liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.
All of those have restrictions (e.g., shouting fire in a crowded
theatre when there
isn't a fire).
Go review Heller...
These restrictions do not constitute a special need. Nobody needs a
special need to practice
any of our basic, constitutionally protected liberties, including
the right to keep and bear arms.
No special need means those restrictions are fine.
And just like that Rudy shows his inability to read for
comprehension..... but we're suppose to accept his claims about what
he's read without question.
Rudy translation: "inability" = "refusal".

There's a difference.
2022-12-27 14:45:23 UTC
Post by Slater
SCOTUS struck down the NY gun law that said people needed a
special reason
to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. This is just common
sense. Would
anyone think it would be acceptable for a state law requiring a
special reason to
exercise free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press,
or any other of
our basic liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.
All of those have restrictions (e.g., shouting fire in a crowded
theatre when there
isn't a fire).
Go review Heller...
These restrictions do not constitute a special need. Nobody needs a
special need to practice
any of our basic, constitutionally protected liberties, including
the right to keep and bear arms.
No special need means those restrictions are fine.
And just like that Rudy shows his inability to read for
comprehension..... but we're suppose to accept his claims about what
he's read without question.
Rudy translation: "inability" = "refusal".
There's a difference.
Maybe, but in all his time here Rudy has NEVER demonstrated any ability to
read for comprehension as such an assertion of "refusal" assumes facts not
in evidence.
