Trump seeks mistrial in New York fraud case, claiming judge overseeing case is biased
(too old to reply)
Clinton lied
2023-11-18 05:40:22 UTC
On 17 Nov 2023, "Trump - Inmate Number P01135809"
Nancy Pelosi should be on trial, not Trump.
Attorneys for former President Donald Trump are demanding a mistrial be
declared in his New York fraud case, claiming the judge and his clerk have
subjected the defendants to "tangible and overwhelming" bias and unfair

The motion for a mistrial makes good on a promise Trump's attorneys made
to file it the day he testified in the case on Nov. 6. The announcement
capped off an intense day of examination in which Trump — who has
frequently criticized New York Judge Arthur Engoron and his clerk — even
lashed out at the judge on the witness stand, pointing at him and calling
him a "fraud."

In the filing, Trump's attorneys claim that "the Court has abrogated its
constitutional responsibility to ensure each Defendant, including
President Trump, receives a fair trial free from even the appearance of
impropriety and impartiality."

The trial began Oct. 2 and is expected to last through mid-December.
Trump, two of his sons and their company are accused of perpetrating a
decade of fraud and benefiting by at least $250 million, by submitting
inflated valuations of his properties and net worth to banks and insurers.

Trump and his attorneys have repeatedly accused the judge of favoring New
York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat. Engoron is also a
Democrat. He was appointed by then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to the New York
Supreme Court, 1st Judicial District, in 2013, after previously serving as
a judge on New York City's civil court. He ran unopposed for the position
in 2015, and is serving a 14-year term.

"Indeed, left unchecked, the introduction of such demonstrable pro-
Attorney General and antiTrump/big real estate bias into a case of
worldwide interest involving the front-runner for the Presidency of the
United States impugns the integrity of the entire system," wrote the
attorneys for Trump, who is leading polls ahead of the 2024 Republican
presidential primaries.

The mistrial motion also accuses Engoron's law clerk, Allison Greenfield,
of bias and "co-judging" the case. Greenfield, who is also a Democrat,
typically sits next to the judge. During pretrial hearings, she often
questioned attorneys for the two sides herself. She and lawyers for Trump
have had many heated exchanges over the course of the case.

Trump and his campaign have twice violated a limited gag order put in
place Oct. 3, after Trump made a derogatory social media post about
Greenfield. He's paid $15,000 in fines related to the gag order

Engoron has said he relies on her for legal research, but the Trump team
has complained of being distracted by Greenfield passing "notes" to the
judge. On Nov. 2, defense attorney Christopher Kise said in court that he
had recently watched proceedings on a closed circuit television feed,
observing behavior he said added to his "perception of bias" when a member
of his team, Jesus Suarez, was questioning a witness.

"Every time Mr. Suarez was making a point and there was a dialog, there
would be notes passed to you," Kise said. "When the Attorney General was
speaking, there would be no notes passed to you."

Kise's accusation provoked Engoron's ire that day. He pounded the bench
with his fist, narrating the action as he did it.

"That's — I'm going to pound the table —– confidential communications from
my principal law clerk. I have an absolute right to it and you don't have
any right to see it or question it," Engoron said.

Engoron later barred the attorneys from referring to the notes.

The motion cites the clerk's name eight times, including references to her
social media accounts, and they refer to the "Principal Law Clerk" 44
times. Two photos of the judge and his clerk together on the bench taken
during this trial were also included in the filing.

"Once again, Donald Trump is trying to dismiss the truth and the facts,
but the numbers and evidence don't lie," a spokesperson for the Attorney
General's office said in a statement. "He can keep trying to distract from
his fraud, but the truth always comes out."

The mistrial motion comes amid the defense's first week calling its own
witnesses in the case, including Donald Trump Jr., who has twice
testified. Their defense presentation began after more than five weeks of
testimony in the state's case.

Judge Engoron has previously indicated he would deny the request for
mistrial, initially urging counsel not to file the request.

Meanwhile, the seventh week of the civil trial is continuing in Manhattan.

On Wednesday morning, the judge only acknowledged the mistrial request
briefly, asking the government if it planned to respond. That decision,
New York prosecutors said, would come by Thursday. If they respond, they
will do so with a proposed schedule order that would suggest how long the
judge might take to rule on this.

In court Wednesday, the Trump legal team continued with its direct line of
questioning of expert witness Jason Flemmons. The forensic accountant and
former deputy chief accountant at the SEC was asked a series of questions
related to Trump's financial statements and its supporting data used by
the outside accounting firm Mazars, and whether its methods were
consistent with accounting standards.

Flemmons testified there were "quite a few" disclosures made in Trump's
financial statements related to departures from generally accepted
accounting principles. The testimony bolstered the Trumps' defense that
they were transparent in compiling the documents, didn't hide departures
from accounting standards, and properly advised banks and insurers to
perform their own due diligence.

Mike Colangelo
2023-11-18 05:50:27 UTC
On 11/17/2023 9:40 PM, Chadlee "cuck" Blowjob, 350lb 5'1" morbidly obese
Post by Clinton lied
On 17 Nov 2023, "Trump - Inmate Number P01135809"
Nancy Pelosi should be on trial, not Trump.
Attorneys for former President Donald Trump are demanding a mistrial be
declared in his New York fraud case,
It's not going to happen, Blowjob, you Nazi cocksucker.
Owning The MAGA Slaves
2023-11-18 11:26:39 UTC
Post by Mike Colangelo
On 11/17/2023 9:40 PM, Chadlee "cuck" Blowjob, 350lb 5'1" morbidly obese
Post by Clinton lied
On 17 Nov 2023, "Trump - Inmate Number P01135809"
Nancy Pelosi should be on trial, not Trump.
Attorneys for former President Donald Trump are demanding a mistrial be
declared in his New York fraud case,
It's not going to happen, Blowjob, you Nazi cocksucker.
Feeble old Trump will be a skeleton by the time he's released.

Feeble old scatterbrain Trump (Inmate Number P01135809) will have spare
change from his prison laundry duties to get by. He'll be sucking black
dick too. At his age, he'll probably die in prison.

Trump's Total Charges Could Result In More Than 700 Years In Prison.

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted on 91 federal and state
charges in total after being indicted for the fourth time Monday in Fulton
County, Georgia, facing a range of felony charges that all carry potential
prison sentences that add up to a potential maximum sentence of 717.5
years in prison,

Manhattan - 136 Years Maximum: Trump was charged with 34 counts of
falsifying business records in the first degree in his first indictment in
Manhattan, stemming from "hush money" payments made during his 2016
campaign, which as a class "E" felony under New York law carries a maximum
four-year prison sentence for each count if convicted.

Trump could face over 100 years in prison if he were convicted of every
charge in that case.

Classified Documents - 450 Years Maximum: Trump faces 40 federal charges
after being indicted for bringing White House documents back to Mar-A-Lago
with him and allegedly trying to obstruct the Justice Department's
investigation into them, including 32 counts of willful retention of
national security documents, six counts related to obstruction and two
counts for scheme to conceal and making false statements.

That could result in 450 years maximum imprisonment, based on the willful
retention charges each carrying up to 10 years in prison, the obstruction
charges carrying potential 20-year penalties and the false statement
charges carrying potentially five years each.

Federal Election Investigation - 55 Years Maximum: Trump was charged with
four felony counts as part of the Justice Department's investigation into
his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, including conspiracy to defraud
the U.S., obstruction, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and
conspiracy against rights, a 19th century law that criminalizes when two
or more people "conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate" any
Americans "in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege"
they're afforded under the Constitution or federal law.

Those charges could result in more than 50 years in prison if Trump were
convicted of all counts, based on maximum sentences of five years for
conspiracy to defraud, 20 years for each obstruction charge and 10 years
for conspiracy against rights.

Fulton County - 76.5 Years Maximum: Trump was indicted on 13 state charges
in Fulton County for trying to overturn Georgia's 2020 election-part of 41
total counts brought against 19 defendants-including charges for
racketeering (known as RICO charges), solicitation of violation of oath by
a public officer, conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer,
conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree, false statements and
writings, conspiracy to commit false statements and writings, filing false
documents and conspiracy to commit filing false documents.

Trump could spend more than 70 years in prison if he were convicted on all
counts, based on maximum sentences of 20 years for racketeering, three
years for solicitation (three counts), 2.5 years for conspiracy to
impersonate a public officer, 7.5 years for forgery conspiracy (two
counts), five years for false statements (two counts), 2.5 years for
conspiracy to commit false statements (two counts), 10 years for filing
false documents and five years for conspiracy to file false documents.